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Epsilon3, Super Genius from Outer Space


Epsilon is Stephen Huff, B.S. (Microbiology/Chemistry), M.S. (Biology), M.C.S.E. (Win 2000). I am an IT instructor and programmer (VC++, HTML, ASP.NET, VB, etc...). I am also currently working on a PhD in Molecular Genomics (wow!).

I have authored 13 novels, 100 short stories, 1100 poems, and a dozen C++/ASP.net applications. Look for my e-books all over the net. Google:


VFTPX - High Speed FTP Client
Vendatron - ASP-Based e-Commerce

Illegal Software


I programmed three mass advertising programs with high-speed data miners that are now illegal, thanks to the CanSpam act, which is stupid and unconstitutional.

Available on Amazon.com in Trade Paperback 2005


Damon Blackley (Horror)

Available on Amazon.com in Trade Paperback 2006


God's Web (Horror)

Novels (Free e-Books)


Bad Angel (Horror)
The Oracle of Delphi (Horror)
Kendrick's Monster (Horror)
Johnny Bullet (Horror)
The Warfarer's Exodus (Fantasy)
Draven's Revenge (Fantasy)
A Desert Ocean (Fantasy)

Short Collections


Alms for the Dying, Psalms for the Dead
Machines of War
Shades of Night
Shores of Silver Seas
Wee, Wicked Whispers

Poetry Collections


Herald Angels
Storm Warnings and Bellwethers
Graven Stone
I, Madness
Crayon on Concrete

Even Though I Haven't Met You, I Am Probably Your Intellectual Superior
